Dr. Andreas Geyer-Schulz

I am a mathematician who is working as a consultant at d-fine GmbH in Frankfurt.

I wrote my PhD thesis at the Institute for Analysis, KIT Department of Mathematics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). During that time I was associated researcher in the collaborative research center on Wave phenomena: analysis and numerics.

Contact data

PhD thesis

In my thesis I investigate the Maxwell-Schrödinger system in the full space with a power nonlinearity. I develop a comprehensive local well-posedness theory in suitable spaces above the energy level, which comprises existence, uniqueness, continuous dependence and conserved quantities of solutions to the Cauchy problem.

Public outreach

Scientific Talks

Teaching at KIT


I attempted to translate the following articles from Russian to English. The translations are in this repository.


Tom Lehrer has put his work in the public domain. I have typeset his lyrics as a beautiful book.


Last update: 2023-06-13